
GD Blog


We live in a society with preset codes as to how an individual should or should not dress, and most people invariably follow these rules.  However, before considering what the public will think about what you’re wearing, how do you feel?  How you feel about what you’re wearing directly influences your thoughts and behaviors, as well as those around you, and their perception of you.  If you’re not feeling what you’re wearing, it’s not appropriate.”

“Appropriate style is a feel good look good balancing act of conformity and comfort.”

The first step in feeling what you wear, is buying clothes that make you feel good, pieces that evoke emotion; and not just duds.  When shopping, two principles to keep in mind are, “quality over quantity” and “buy the need that you want.”  This reasoning minimizes waste in your wardrobe, makes getting dressed a pleasure, and saves you time and money in the long term.  Every feel good-look good moment is an amortization of your clothing investment.

The next step in feeling what you’re wearing, is knowing what feels good on you and for every occasion in your lifestyle.  It’s not a good look nor is it appropriate to put clothes on that don’t feel right.  Your mental and physical clothing comfort won’t feel the same for every occasion.  Sometimes you want to feel athletic, executive, rich, fashionable, or creative, but overall, you want to feel comfortable.  Comfort is the one common feeling we desire from our attire.

“Comfort is how our clothes feel on us and how they make us feel.”  

The disconnect between conformity and comfort is the root of the underdressed-overdressed conundrum, whether dressing for work or a special occasion.  “Feel good, look good” is not just a quote or cliche, it’s the psychology of dressing.  Scientists call it, “enclothed cognition.”  This is simply the scientific term for the idea that clothing impacts how we feel and think.  

When I’m fitting someone I have them try on their favorite fitting jacket, pant, and shirt; it tells me a lot about their clothing personality and their comfort level.  Measurements don’t lie, but a true fit is in your comfort.   If you like what you’re wearing it will show in your walk and your talk.  Feeling what you wear can make you more relaxed, high-spirited, confident, and help you to enjoy the occasion.  A confident personality and body language, along with a FGLG attitude inspires and compels people to compliment your look.  

Don’t underestimate how much feeling your clothes matters to your self expression and the appropriateness of your style.  The best feeling is wearing something comfortable that creatively and elegantly suits the occasion.  Feeling good in your outfit is the first “F” of appropriate style.  

If you feel what I’m saying, check back next month for the second “F” of appropriate style.